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FC BodaNogomet
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Vse Igre FC Boda doma, Wilpas v gosteh
Live Betting
FC Boda 1x2 kvote najmanj največ Izberite ligo
Wilpas 1x2 kvote najmanj največ Izberite ligo
Statistika prednosti Nad / Pod
Time Machine Before Po
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Prejšnje igre
10.10.2018Finnish KolmonTuWe  1 - 3  FC Boda
06.10.2018Finnish KolmonFC Boda  2 - 5  P-Iirot
28.09.2018Finnish KolmonWilpas  4 - 1  FC Boda
22.09.2018Finnish KolmonFC Boda  1 - 3  PIF Pargas
15.09.2018Finnish KolmonPeimari United  5 - 0  FC Boda
08.09.2018Finnish KolmonFC Boda  1 - 3  FC Åland
31.08.2018Finnish KolmonÅIFK  6 - 1  FC Boda
26.08.2018Finnish KolmonFC Boda  1 - 2  FC Inter 2
18.08.2018Finnish KolmonToVe  4 - 0  FC Boda
11.08.2018Finnish KolmonFC Boda  0 - 3  SoVo
1x21 0 9  10 - 36
% 10.0% - 0.0% - 90.0%
% ⇒ kvote 10.00 - inf - 1.11
121 9  10 - 36
%10.0% - 90.0%
% ⇒ kvote 10.00 - 1.11
Skupaj golov Pod - Nad 2.5 : 0% - 100%

Dani zadetki Prejeti zadetki
30% 0   0%
50% 1   10%
10% 2   10%
10% 3   30%
0% 4   20%
0% 5   20%
0% 6+ 10%
Obe ekipi zadaneta: 70%
Goal difference
+2 10%
+1 0%
  0 0%
-1 10%
-2 20%
Redni čas
Povprečje zadetkov 1.00 - 3.60 (4.60)
07.10.2023Finnish KolmonWilpas  2 - 7  Peimari United
30.09.2023Finnish KolmonKaaPo  3 - 2  Wilpas
23.09.2023Finnish KolmonVG-62  4 - 1  Wilpas
16.09.2023Finnish KolmonWilpas  2 - 3  MaPS
08.09.2023Finnish KolmonMuSa  7 - 1  Wilpas
02.09.2023Finnish KolmonWilpas  3 - 7  FC Åland
24.08.2023Finnish KolmonTPK  2 - 1  Wilpas
19.08.2023Finnish KolmonWilpas  2 - 5  ÅIFK
11.08.2023Finnish KolmonTPS Akatemia  4 - 0  Wilpas
04.08.2023Finnish KolmonWilpas  2 - 4  FC Inter 2
1x20 0 10  16 - 46
% 0.0% - 0.0% - 100.0%
% ⇒ kvote inf - inf - 1.00
120 10  16 - 46
%0.0% - 100.0%
% ⇒ kvote inf - 1.00
Skupaj golov Pod - Nad 2.5 : 0% - 100%

Dani zadetki Prejeti zadetki
10% 0   0%
30% 1   0%
50% 2   10%
10% 3   20%
0% 4   30%
0% 5   10%
0% 6+ 30%
Obe ekipi zadaneta: 90%
Goal difference
+2 0%
+1 0%
  0 0%
-1 30%
-2 10%
Redni čas
Povprečje zadetkov 1.60 - 4.60 (6.20)
Zadnjih 30 iger redni čas Prirejena statistika
FC Boda Wilpas
doma v gosteh Vse Igre
5-0-9 1-2-13 6-2-22
36%-0%-64% 6%-12%-81% 20%-7%-73%
+180---180 +1500-+700--433 +400-+1400--275
doma v gosteh Vse Igre
3-1-11 1-1-13 4-2-24
20%-7%-73% 7%-7%-87% 13%-7%-80%
+400-+1400--275 +1400-+1400--650 +650-+1400--400
Domači vs Gosti Vse Igre
61%-3%-35% 50%-7%-43%
-158-+2900-+182 +100-+1400-+131
Percentage averages ?
1x2 Stavne kvote
Izberite stavnico
Starting odds: Prosim, registrirajte se ali se prijavite
doma v gosteh Vse Igre Skupaj golov Pod-Nad doma v gosteh Vse Igre
7%-93% 19%-81% 13%-87% 1.5 zadetki  pov 7%-93%  +1348--1348 7%-93% 7%-93% 7%-93%
+1300--1300 +433--433 +650--650 +1400--1400 +1400--1400 +1400--1400
21%-79% 25%-75% 23%-77% 2.5 zadetki  pov 17%-83%  +475--475 13%-87% 13%-87% 13%-87%
+367--367 +300--300 +329--329 +650--650 +650--650 +650--650
43%-57% 25%-75% 33%-67% 3.5 zadetki  pov 35%-65%  +188--188 27%-73% 27%-73% 27%-73%
+133--133 +300--300 +200--200 +275--275 +275--275 +275--275

Registrirajte se za prikaz veliko več statistike
Against common opponents
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Finnish Kolmonen Turku 2023 Form
Vse Igredomav gosteh
1.FC Inter 22219 2159111001 30119 2029
2.ÅIFK2216 335111821 26118 1225
3.MuSa2215 254711722 23118 0324
4.Peimari United2213 274111803 24115 2417
5.MaPS2111 553811812 25103 4313
6.KaaPo2211 473711632 21115 1516
7.FC Åland227 5102611434 15113 2611
8.VG-62227 3122411317 10114 2514
9.TPS Akatemia226 3132111425 14112 187
10.TPK214 4131610325 11111 285
11.PaiHa223 0199111010 3112 096
12.Wilpas222 119711119 4111 0103

Score Stats & Goal difference
Vse Igredomav gosteh
1.ÅIFK66 00186501 1566 0018
2.FC Inter 265 01156501 1566 0018
3.Peimari United65 01156501 1562 137
4.MaPS64 11136402 1262 228
5.MuSa64 02126402 1264 0212
6.KaaPo63 12106321 1164 0212
7.VG-6262 1376204 662 137
8.FC Åland62 0466114 463 039
9.TPS Akatemia62 0466204 661 144
10.PaiHa61 0536105 360 060
11.TPK60 1516213 761 053
12.Wilpas60 0606006 061 053
Longest streaks
Longest streaksWT L Lossless    Win To Nil    scored
FC Boda 63148 3 24
Current 1-16-11 -15 4

Longest streaksconceded goalNad 2.5
Skupaj golov*
Pod 2.5
Skupaj golov*
FC Boda Statistics Pro: Buy from Web Store

*Redni čas

Longest streaksWT L Lossless    Win To Nil    scored
Wilpas 731011 2 11
Current -10-17100 -10 8

Longest streaksconceded goalNad 2.5
Skupaj golov*
Pod 2.5
Skupaj golov*
Wilpas Statistics Pro: Buy from Web Store

*Redni čas

@ Finnish Kolmonen Turku
FC BodaIgrane tekmeWinTieLost
Vse Igre290 112 (39%) 52 (18%) 126 (43%)
doma144 65 (45%) 25 (17%) 54 (38%)
v gosteh146 47 (32%) 27 (18%) 72 (49%)
WilpasIgrane tekmeWinTieLost
Vse Igre365 127 (35%) 62 (17%) 176 (48%)
doma182 72 (40%) 27 (15%) 83 (46%)
v gosteh183 55 (30%) 35 (19%) 93 (51%)