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Delta Tulcea
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Vse Igre Sportul Studenţesc doma, Delta Tulcea v gosteh
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Sportul Studenţesc 1x2 kvote najmanj največ Izberite ligo
Delta Tulcea 1x2 kvote najmanj največ Izberite ligo
Statistika prednosti Nad / Pod
Time Machine Before Po
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Prejšnje igre
27.08.2013Romanian CupCS Balotești  3 - 0  Sportul Studen
27.06.2013Romanian Liga Sportul Studen  2 - 5  ACS Foresta Su
05.06.2013Romanian Liga Dunărea Galaţi  1 - 2  Sportul Studen
18.05.2013Romanian Liga Sportul Studen  0 - 4  FC Botoşani
11.05.2013Romanian Liga Delta Tulcea  6 - 0  Sportul Studen
08.05.2013Romanian Liga Sportul Studen  0 - 5  CS Otopeni
27.04.2013Romanian Liga Săgeata Năvoda  5 - 0  Sportul Studen
13.04.2013Romanian Liga Dacia Unirea B  7 - 0  Sportul Studen
06.04.2013Romanian Liga Sportul Studen  1 - 3  Unirea Slobozi
30.03.2013Romanian Liga Chindia Târgov  2 - 0  Sportul Studen
1x21 0 9  5 - 41
% 10.0% - 0.0% - 90.0%
% ⇒ kvote 10.00 - inf - 1.11
121 9  5 - 41
%10.0% - 90.0%
% ⇒ kvote 10.00 - 1.11
Skupaj golov Pod - Nad 2.5 : 10% - 90%

Dani zadetki Prejeti zadetki
70% 0   0%
10% 1   10%
20% 2   10%
0% 3   20%
0% 4   10%
0% 5   30%
0% 6+ 20%
Obe ekipi zadaneta: 30%
Goal difference
+2 0%
+1 10%
  0 0%
-1 0%
-2 20%
Redni čas
Povprečje zadetkov 0.50 - 4.10 (4.60)
29.05.2013Romanian Liga Delta Tulcea  3 - 0  FC Botoşani
19.05.2013Romanian Liga CS Otopeni  4 - 2  Delta Tulcea
11.05.2013Romanian Liga Delta Tulcea  6 - 0  Sportul Studen
08.05.2013Romanian Liga Săgeata Năvoda  1 - 0  Delta Tulcea
27.04.2013Romanian Liga Dacia Unirea B  1 - 1  Delta Tulcea
20.04.2013Romanian Liga Delta Tulcea  4 - 0  Unirea Slobozi
13.04.2013Romanian Liga Chindia Târgov  1 - 1  Delta Tulcea
06.04.2013Romanian Liga Delta Tulcea  1 - 0  Academica Clin
30.03.2013Romanian Liga Dinamo II Bucu  1 - 1  Delta Tulcea
23.03.2013Romanian Liga Delta Tulcea  2 - 0  Farul Constanţ
1x25 3 2  21 - 8
% 50.0% - 30.0% - 20.0%
% ⇒ kvote 2.00 - 3.33 - 5.00
125 2  21 - 8
%71.4% - 28.6%
% ⇒ kvote 1.40 - 3.50
Skupaj golov Pod - Nad 2.5 : 60% - 40%

Dani zadetki Prejeti zadetki
10% 0   50%
40% 1   40%
20% 2   0%
10% 3   0%
10% 4   10%
0% 5   0%
10% 6+ 0%
Obe ekipi zadaneta: 40%
Goal difference
+2 10%
+1 10%
  0 30%
-1 10%
-2 10%
Redni čas
Povprečje zadetkov 2.10 - 0.80 (2.90)
Zadnjih 30 iger redni čas Prirejena statistika
Sportul Studenţesc Delta Tulcea
doma v gosteh Vse Igre
5-0-9 7-1-8 12-1-17
36%-0%-64% 44%-6%-50% 40%-3%-57%
+180---180 +129-+1500-+100 +150-+2900--131
doma v gosteh Vse Igre
10-3-0 6-3-8 16-6-8
77%-23%-0% 35%-18%-47% 53%-20%-27%
-333-+333- +183-+467-+112 -114-+400-+275
Domači vs Gosti Vse Igre
41%-9%-50% 33%-12%-55%
+142-+1033-+101 +200-+757--122
Percentage averages ?
1x2 Stavne kvote
Izberite stavnico
Starting odds: Prosim, registrirajte se ali se prijavite
doma v gosteh Vse Igre Skupaj golov Pod-Nad doma v gosteh Vse Igre
14%-86% 6%-94% 10%-90% 1.5 zadetki  pov 13%-87%  +668--668 23%-77% 12%-88% 17%-83%
+600--600 +1500--1500 +900--900 +333--333 +750--750 +500--500
29%-71% 25%-75% 27%-73% 2.5 zadetki  pov 29%-71%  +245--245 54%-46% 29%-71% 40%-60%
+250--250 +300--300 +275--275 -117-+117 +240--240 +150--150
50%-50% 69%-31% 60%-40% 3.5 zadetki  pov 57%-43%  -134-+134 77%-23% 65%-35% 70%-30%
+100-+100 -220-+220 -150-+150 -333-+333 -183-+183 -233-+233

Registrirajte se za prikaz veliko več statistike
Against common opponents
Statistics Pro: Buy from Web Store
Romanian Liga II Seria I 2012-2013 Form
Vse Igredomav gosteh
1.FC Botoşani2417 2553121101 33126 2420
2.Săgeata Năvodari2414 464612822 26126 2420
3.Delta Tulcea2412 664212930 30123 3612
4.CS Otopeni2412 574112822 26124 3515
5.Dacia Unirea Brăil2412 484012822 26124 2614
6.Academica Clinceni249 5103212435 15125 2517
7.Unirea Slobozia247 983012264 12125 3418
8.Dunărea Galaţi248 4122812516 16123 3612
9.Sportul Studenţesc249 1142812507 15124 1713
10.ACS Foresta Suceav247 6112712327 11124 4416
11.Farul Constanţa248 3132712525 17123 1810
12.Chindia Târgovişte247 5122612732 24120 2102
13.Dinamo II Bucureşt245 4151912336 12122 197

Score Stats & Goal difference
Vse Igredomav gosteh
1.FC Botoşani65 01156600 1864 1113
2.Farul Constanţa64 20146312 1063 1210
3.Academica Clinceni64 11136321 1163 1210
4.Săgeata Năvodari64 02126501 1564 0212
5.Delta Tulcea63 12106510 1661 326
6.ACS Foresta Suceav63 12106204 662 319
7.CS Otopeni63 0396402 1262 137
8.Chindia Târgovişte63 0396411 1360 060
9.Dacia Unirea Brăil62 1376411 1362 137
10.Unirea Slobozia61 3266033 363 039
11.Dunărea Galaţi62 0466303 962 137
12.Sportul Studenţesc61 0536006 061 053
13.Dinamo II Bucureşt60 1516132 661 053
Longest streaks
Longest streaksWT L Lossless    Win To Nil    scored
Sportul Studenţesc 731010 3 12
Current -2-1420 -13 -1

Longest streaksconceded goalNad 2.5
Skupaj golov*
Pod 2.5
Skupaj golov*
Sportul Studenţesc Statistics Pro: Buy from Web Store

*Redni čas

Longest streaksWT L Lossless    Win To Nil    scored
Delta Tulcea 114415 5 19
Current 1-4-11 1 3

Longest streaksconceded goalNad 2.5
Skupaj golov*
Pod 2.5
Skupaj golov*
Delta Tulcea Statistics Pro: Buy from Web Store

*Redni čas

@ Romanian Liga II Seria I
Sportul StudenţescIgrane tekmeWinTieLost
Vse Igre24 9 (38%) 1 (4%) 14 (58%)
doma12 5 (42%) 0 (0%) 7 (58%)
v gosteh12 4 (33%) 1 (8%) 7 (58%)
Delta TulceaIgrane tekmeWinTieLost
Vse Igre84 46 (55%) 18 (21%) 20 (24%)
doma42 27 (64%) 9 (21%) 6 (14%)
v gosteh42 19 (45%) 9 (21%) 14 (33%)