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Carmarthen TownNogomet
The New Saints
Win Tie Lost  Zadetki     Prirejena statistika  Pogoji uporabe

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Vse Igre Carmarthen Town doma, The New Saints v gosteh
Live Betting
Carmarthen Town 1x2 kvote najmanj največ Izberite ligo
The New Saints 1x2 kvote najmanj največ Izberite ligo
Statistika prednosti Nad / Pod
Time Machine Before Po
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Prejšnje igre
03.08.2024Welsh League CCarmarthen Tow  0 - 5  Haverfordwest
06.07.2024PrijateljskeCarmarthen Tow  2 - 2  Haverfordwest
29.06.2024PrijateljskeCardiff MU  2 - 2  Carmarthen Tow
09.12.2023Welsh CupCarmarthen Tow  0 - 3  The New Saints
22.07.2023Welsh League CCarmarthen Tow  0 - 4  Swansea
14.07.2023PrijateljskeCardiff MU  0 - 2  Carmarthen Tow
01.07.2023PrijateljskeCarmarthen Tow  1 - 6  Llanelli Town
17.06.2023PrijateljskeCarmarthen Tow  2 - 3  Haverfordwest
06.08.2022Welsh League CPontypridd Uni  2 - 0  Carmarthen Tow
16.10.2021Welsh CupCarmarthen Tow  0 - 1pen  The New Saints
1x21 3 6  9 - 27
% 10.0% - 30.0% - 60.0%
% ⇒ kvote 10.00 - 3.33 - 1.67
121 7  9 - 28
%12.5% - 87.5%
% ⇒ kvote 8.00 - 1.14
Skupaj golov Pod - Nad 2.5 : 30% - 70%

Dani zadetki Prejeti zadetki
50% 0   20%
10% 1   0%
40% 2   30%
0% 3   20%
0% 4   10%
0% 5   10%
0% 6+ 10%
Obe ekipi zadaneta: 40%
Goal difference
+2 10%
+1 0%
  0 30%
-1 10%
-2 10%
Redni čas
Povprečje zadetkov 0.90 - 2.70 (3.60)
04.12.2024Welsh Premier Bala Town  1 - 0  The New Saints
01.12.2024Welsh League CBarry Town  1 - 2  The New Saints
28.11.2024UEFA ConferencThe New Saints  0 - 1  Djurgården At Neutral V
23.11.2024Welsh Premier The New Saints  3 - 2  Penybont
20.11.2024Welsh Premier Briton Ferry  3 - 1  The New Saints
16.11.2024Welsh CupCardiff MU  1 - 3  The New Saints
13.11.2024Welsh League CThe New Saints  3 - 1  Bala Town
10.11.2024Welsh Premier The New Saints  2 - 1  Haverfordwest
07.11.2024UEFA ConferencShamrock  2 - 1  The New Saints
02.11.2024Welsh Premier Barry Town  1 - 4  The New Saints
1x26 0 4  19 - 14
% 60.0% - 0.0% - 40.0%
% ⇒ kvote 1.67 - inf - 2.50
126 4  19 - 14
%60.0% - 40.0%
% ⇒ kvote 1.67 - 2.50
Skupaj golov Pod - Nad 2.5 : 20% - 80%

Dani zadetki Prejeti zadetki
20% 0   0%
20% 1   70%
20% 2   20%
30% 3   10%
10% 4   0%
0% 5   0%
0% 6+ 0%
Obe ekipi zadaneta: 80%
Goal difference
+2 20%
+1 30%
  0 0%
-1 30%
-2 10%
Redni čas
Povprečje zadetkov 1.90 - 1.40 (3.30)
Zadnjih 30 iger redni čas Prirejena statistika
Carmarthen Town The New Saints
doma v gosteh Vse Igre
2-4-11 3-3-7 5-7-18
12%-24%-65% 23%-23%-54% 17%-23%-60%
+750-+325--183 +333-+333--117 +500-+329--150
doma v gosteh Vse Igre
8-2-2 9-0-5 19-2-9
67%-17%-17% 64%-0%-36% 63%-7%-30%
-200-+500-+500 -180--+180 -173-+1400-+233
Domači vs Gosti Vse Igre
24%-12%-64% 23%-15%-62%
+321-+750--182 +329-+567--161
Percentage averages ?
1x2 Stavne kvote
Izberite stavnico
Starting odds: Prosim, registrirajte se ali se prijavite
doma v gosteh Vse Igre Skupaj golov Pod-Nad doma v gosteh Vse Igre
24%-76% 15%-85% 20%-80% 1.5 zadetki  pov 19%-81%  +429--429 17%-83% 14%-86% 23%-77%
+325--325 +550--550 +400--400 +500--500 +600--600 +329--329
24%-76% 54%-46% 37%-63% 2.5 zadetki  pov 22%-78%  +345--345 25%-75% 21%-79% 33%-67%
+325--325 -117-+117 +173--173 +300--300 +367--367 +200--200
53%-47% 77%-23% 63%-37% 3.5 zadetki  pov 55%-45%  -122-+122 50%-50% 57%-43% 60%-40%
-112-+112 -333-+333 -173-+173 +100-+100 -133-+133 -150-+150

Registrirajte se za prikaz veliko več statistike
Against common opponents
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Welsh Premier League 2024-2025

Score Stats & Goal difference
Vse Igredomav gosteh
1.Penybont1812 42409621 2096 2120
2.The New Saints1712 05368602 1896 0318
3.Haverfordwest Coun188 64309351 1495 1316
4.Cardiff MU188 46288341 13105 0515
5.Barry Town178 45289522 1783 2311
6.Bala Town185 103259423 1491 8011
7.Caernarfon Town177 46258215 795 3118
8.Gap Connah's Quay186 57239324 1193 3312
9.Newtown AFC185 49199315 1092 349
10.Flint Town United185 2111710316 1082 157
11.Briton Ferry174 2111410325 1171 063
12.Aberystwyth Town183 114108215 7101 093

Score Stats & Goal difference
Vse Igredomav gosteh
1.Barry Town65 01156411 1363 1210
2.The New Saints64 02126402 1264 0212
3.Penybont63 21116411 1364 1113
4.Gap Connah's Quay63 12106321 1161 235
5.Briton Ferry63 0396312 1061 053
6.Cardiff MU62 2286321 1161 053
7.Haverfordwest Coun62 2286240 1063 039
8.Bala Town61 5086222 860 606
9.Aberystwyth Town62 0466105 361 053
10.Flint Town United62 0466213 762 137
11.Caernarfon Town61 2356204 664 2014
12.Newtown AFC60 1516114 461 235
Longest streaks
Longest streaksWT L Lossless    Win To Nil    scored
Carmarthen Town 64710 2 17
Current -5-110 -5 -1

Longest streaksconceded goalNad 2.5
Skupaj golov*
Pod 2.5
Skupaj golov*
Carmarthen Town Statistics Pro: Buy from Web Store

*Redni čas

Longest streaksWT L Lossless    Win To Nil    scored
The New Saints 305439 6 41
Current -1-2410 -12 -1

Longest streaksconceded goalNad 2.5
Skupaj golov*
Pod 2.5
Skupaj golov*
The New Saints Statistics Pro: Buy from Web Store

*Redni čas

@ Welsh League Cup
Carmarthen TownIgrane tekmeWinTieLost
Vse Igre27 16 (59%) 0 (0%) 11 (41%)
doma15 10 (67%) 0 (0%) 5 (33%)
v gosteh12 6 (50%) 0 (0%) 6 (50%)
The New SaintsIgrane tekmeWinTieLost
Vse Igre41 33 (80%) 1 (2%) 7 (17%)
doma18 18 (100%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
v gosteh22 14 (64%) 1 (5%) 7 (32%)
At Neutral Venue1 1 (100%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)