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   Swedish Division 3 Nordöstra Götaland
BK DerbyNogomet
Boxholms IF
Win Tie Lost  Zadetki     Prirejena statistika  Pogoji uporabe

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Vse Igre BK Derby doma, Boxholms IF v gosteh
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BK Derby 1x2 kvote najmanj največ Izberite ligo
Boxholms IF 1x2 kvote najmanj največ Izberite ligo
Statistika prednosti Nad / Pod
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Prejšnje igre
28.03.2020PrijateljskeMalmslatts AIK  0 - 2  BK Derby At Neutral V
02.10.2016Swedish DivisiBK Derby  1 - 4  Malmslatts AIK
24.09.2016Swedish DivisiHjulsbro IK  1 - 3  BK Derby
18.09.2016Swedish DivisiBK Derby  2 - 3  Högsby IK
10.09.2016Swedish DivisiAssyriska Tura  4 - 1  BK Derby
03.09.2016Swedish DivisiBK Derby  1 - 3  Myresjö IF
28.08.2016Swedish DivisiNässjö FF  3 - 1  BK Derby
19.08.2016Swedish DivisiBK Derby  4 - 1  Borens IK
12.08.2016Swedish DivisiBK Derby  1 - 3  AFK Linköping
06.08.2016Swedish DivisiKuddby IF  7 - 0  BK Derby
1x23 0 7  16 - 29
% 30.0% - 0.0% - 70.0%
% ⇒ kvote 3.33 - inf - 1.43
123 7  16 - 29
%30.0% - 70.0%
% ⇒ kvote 3.33 - 1.43
Skupaj golov Pod - Nad 2.5 : 10% - 90%

Dani zadetki Prejeti zadetki
10% 0   10%
50% 1   20%
20% 2   0%
10% 3   40%
10% 4   20%
0% 5   0%
0% 6+ 10%
Obe ekipi zadaneta: 80%
Goal difference
+2 20%
+1 0%
  0 0%
-1 10%
-2 30%
Redni čas
Povprečje zadetkov 1.60 - 2.90 (4.50)
26.08.2020Švedska CupBoxholms IF  1 - 4  Husqvarna FF
06.10.2018Swedish DivisiBoxholms IF  2 - 4  Myresjö IF
29.09.2018Swedish DivisiTorstorps IF  4 - 0  Boxholms IF
21.09.2018Swedish DivisiBoxholms IF  2 - 4  IK Tord
15.09.2018Swedish DivisiTenhults IF  6 - 0  Boxholms IF
08.09.2018Swedish DivisiBoxholms IF  1 - 3  Smedby AIS
01.09.2018Swedish DivisiAssyriska IF  2 - 1  Boxholms IF
24.08.2018Swedish DivisiBoxholms IF  1 - 3  Vimmerby IF
20.08.2018Swedish DivisiGrebo IK  4 - 1  Boxholms IF
11.08.2018Swedish DivisiBoxholms IF  0 - 2  Eneby BK
1x20 0 10  9 - 36
% 0.0% - 0.0% - 100.0%
% ⇒ kvote inf - inf - 1.00
120 10  9 - 36
%0.0% - 100.0%
% ⇒ kvote inf - 1.00
Skupaj golov Pod - Nad 2.5 : 10% - 90%

Dani zadetki Prejeti zadetki
30% 0   0%
50% 1   0%
20% 2   20%
0% 3   20%
0% 4   50%
0% 5   0%
0% 6+ 10%
Obe ekipi zadaneta: 70%
Goal difference
+2 0%
+1 0%
  0 0%
-1 10%
-2 50%
Redni čas
Povprečje zadetkov 0.90 - 3.60 (4.50)
Zadnjih 30 iger redni čas Prirejena statistika
BK Derby Boxholms IF
doma v gosteh Vse Igre
6-0-8 5-1-9 12-1-17
43%-0%-57% 33%-7%-60% 40%-3%-57%
+133---133 +200-+1400--150 +150-+2900--131
doma v gosteh Vse Igre
3-1-11 2-1-12 5-2-23
20%-7%-73% 13%-7%-80% 17%-7%-77%
+400-+1400--275 +650-+1400--400 +500-+1400--329
Domači vs Gosti Vse Igre
61%-3%-35% 58%-5%-37%
-159-+2900-+184 -140-+1900-+173
Percentage averages ?
1x2 Stavne kvote
Izberite stavnico
Starting odds: Prosim, registrirajte se ali se prijavite
doma v gosteh Vse Igre Skupaj golov Pod-Nad doma v gosteh Vse Igre
29%-71% 0%-100% 13%-87% 1.5 zadetki  pov 14%-86%  +600--600 0%-100% 0%-100% 0%-100%
+250--250 --INF +650--650 --INF --INF --INF
43%-57% 13%-87% 30%-70% 2.5 zadetki  pov 25%-75%  +304--304 13%-87% 7%-93% 10%-90%
+133--133 +650--650 +233--233 +650--650 +1400--1400 +900--900
57%-43% 27%-73% 43%-57% 3.5 zadetki  pov 42%-58%  +139--139 27%-73% 27%-73% 27%-73%
-133-+133 +275--275 +131--131 +275--275 +275--275 +275--275

Registrirajte se za prikaz veliko več statistike
Against common opponents
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Swedish Division 3 Nordöstra Götaland 2018 Form
Vse Igredomav gosteh
1.Assyriska IF2215 434911812 25117 3124
2.Smedby AIS2213 634511740 25116 2320
3.IK Tord2213 544411722 23116 3221
4.Vimmerby IF2212 373911722 23115 1516
5.Torstorps IF2210 573511434 15116 2320
6.Eneby BK229 763411524 17114 5217
7.Tenhults IF228 592911245 10116 1419
8.Högsby IK227 782811443 16113 3512
9.Myresjö IF226 5112311425 14112 369
10.Knäppingsborg BK225 4131911416 13111 376
11.Grebo IK223 3161211326 11110 1101
12.Boxholms IF223 2171111218 7111 194

Score Stats & Goal difference
Vse Igredomav gosteh
1.Assyriska IF64 20146510 1664 2014
2.Smedby AIS64 20146420 1463 1210
3.IK Tord64 20146411 1364 1113
4.Torstorps IF64 11136321 1162 228
5.Tenhults IF63 30126123 564 1113
6.Högsby IK62 3196321 1161 144
7.Grebo IK62 2286312 1060 151
8.Vimmerby IF61 1446312 1062 046
9.Myresjö IF61 1446213 762 137
10.Eneby BK60 3336222 862 319
11.Knäppingsborg BK61 0536204 660 242
12.Boxholms IF60 0606015 160 151
Longest streaks
Longest streaksWT L Lossless    Win To Nil    scored
BK Derby 4346 1 15
Current 1-19-11 1 9

Longest streaksconceded goalNad 2.5
Skupaj golov*
Pod 2.5
Skupaj golov*
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*Redni čas

Longest streaksWT L Lossless    Win To Nil    scored
Boxholms IF 42115 3 10
Current -15-11110 -19 2

Longest streaksconceded goalNad 2.5
Skupaj golov*
Pod 2.5
Skupaj golov*
Boxholms IF Statistics Pro: Buy from Web Store

*Redni čas

@ Swedish Division 3 Nordöstra Götaland
BK DerbyIgrane tekmeWinTieLost
Vse Igre88 34 (39%) 14 (16%) 40 (45%)
doma44 18 (41%) 7 (16%) 19 (43%)
v gosteh44 16 (36%) 7 (16%) 21 (48%)
Boxholms IFIgrane tekmeWinTieLost
Vse Igre88 17 (19%) 13 (15%) 58 (66%)
doma44 9 (20%) 8 (18%) 27 (61%)
v gosteh44 8 (18%) 5 (11%) 31 (70%)