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HC SakhalinHokej
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Vse Igre HC Sakhalin doma, High1 v gosteh
Live Betting
HC Sakhalin 1x2 kvote najmanj največ Izberite ligo
High1 1x2 kvote najmanj največ Izberite ligo
Statistika prednosti Nad / Pod
Time Machine Before Po
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Prejšnje igre
23.02.2020Asia League IcHC Sakhalin  9 - 2  Daemyung Kille
22.02.2020Asia League IcHC Sakhalin  5 - 2  Daemyung Kille
16.02.2020Asia League IcDaemyung Kille  4 - 5ot  HC Sakhalin
15.02.2020Asia League IcDaemyung Kille  1 - 2  HC Sakhalin
13.02.2020Asia League IcDaemyung Kille  4 - 1  HC Sakhalin
27.01.2020Asia League IcHC Sakhalin  3 - 1  Nikkō Ice Buck
26.01.2020Asia League IcHC Sakhalin  4 - 3  Nikkō Ice Buck
25.01.2020Asia League IcHC Sakhalin  4 - 3  Nikkō Ice Buck
12.01.2020Asia League IcHC Sakhalin  2 - 1  Tohoku Free Bl
11.01.2020Asia League IcHC Sakhalin  2 - 1  Tohoku Free Bl
1x28 1 1  36 - 22
% 80.0% - 10.0% - 10.0%
% ⇒ kvote 1.25 - 10.00 - 10.00
129 1  37 - 22
%90.0% - 10.0%
% ⇒ kvote 1.11 - 10.00
Skupaj golov Pod - Nad 5.5 : 50% - 50%

Dani zadetki Prejeti zadetki
0% 0   0%
10% 1   40%
30% 2   20%
10% 3   20%
30% 4   20%
10% 5   0%
10% 6+ 0%
Obe ekipi zadaneta: 100%
Goal difference
+2 10%
+1 50%
  0 10%
-1 0%
-2 0%
Redni čas
Povprečje zadetkov 3.60 - 2.20 (5.80)
28.01.2019Asia League IcHC Sakhalin  3 - 0  High1
26.01.2019Asia League IcHC Sakhalin  6 - 3  High1
25.01.2019Asia League IcHC Sakhalin  5 - 2  High1
20.01.2019Asia League IcHigh1  2 - 3ot  Tohoku Free Bl
19.01.2019Asia League IcHigh1  5 - 2  Tohoku Free Bl
15.01.2019Asia League IcHigh1  1 - 2  Daemyung Kille
09.01.2019Asia League IcHigh1  2 - 0  HL Anyang
26.12.2018Asia League IcNippon Paper C  1 - 2pen  High1
25.12.2018Asia League IcNippon Paper C  1 - 3  High1
23.12.2018Asia League IcRed Eagles Hok  0 - 4  High1
1x24 2 4  23 - 22
% 40.0% - 20.0% - 40.0%
% ⇒ kvote 2.50 - 5.00 - 2.50
125 5  24 - 23
%50.0% - 50.0%
% ⇒ kvote 2.00 - 2.00
Skupaj golov Pod - Nad 5.5 : 70% - 30%

Dani zadetki Prejeti zadetki
10% 0   20%
20% 1   20%
30% 2   30%
20% 3   10%
10% 4   0%
10% 5   10%
0% 6+ 10%
Obe ekipi zadaneta: 70%
Goal difference
+2 20%
+1 0%
  0 20%
-1 10%
-2 0%
Redni čas
Povprečje zadetkov 2.30 - 2.20 (4.50)
Zadnjih 30 iger redni čas Prirejena statistika
HC Sakhalin High1
doma v gosteh Vse Igre
16-2-2 6-2-2 22-4-4
80%-10%-10% 60%-20%-20% 73%-13%-13%
-400-+900-+900 -150-+400-+400 -275-+650-+650
doma v gosteh Vse Igre
7-5-3 5-1-9 12-6-12
47%-33%-20% 33%-7%-60% 40%-20%-40%
+114-+200-+400 +200-+1400--150 +150-+400-+150
Domači vs Gosti Vse Igre
70%-8%-22% 57%-17%-27%
-233-+1100-+362 -131-+500-+275
Percentage averages ?
1x2 Stavne kvote
Izberite stavnico
Starting odds: Prosim, registrirajte se ali se prijavite
doma v gosteh Vse Igre Skupaj golov Pod-Nad doma v gosteh Vse Igre
45%-55% 60%-40% 50%-50% 4.5 zadetki  pov 52%-48%  -111-+111 47%-53% 60%-40% 53%-47%
+122--122 -150-+150 +100-+100 +114--114 -150-+150 -114-+114
45%-55% 70%-30% 53%-47% 5.5 zadetki  pov 56%-44%  -126-+126 67%-33% 67%-33% 67%-33%
+122--122 -233-+233 -114-+114 -200-+200 -200-+200 -200-+200
45%-55% 70%-30% 53%-47% 6.5 zadetki  pov 59%-41%  -145-+145 80%-20% 73%-27% 77%-23%
+122--122 -233-+233 -114-+114 -400-+400 -275-+275 -329-+329

Registrirajte se za prikaz veliko več statistike
Against common opponents
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Asia League Ice Hockey 2019-2020 Form
Vse Igredomav gosteh
1.HC Sakhalin3625 2 358214 012 4311 2 2339
2.HL Anyang3623 3 197612 213 4111 1 0635
3.Red Eagles H3618 5 1126511 206 377 3 1628
4.Daemyung Kil3614 2 218487 128 257 1 01023
5.Nikkō Ice Bu3613 2 219458 127 285 1 01217
6.East Hokkaid3611 3 417435 1110 186 2 3725
7.Tohoku Free 364 0 428162 0313 92 0 1157

Score Stats & Goal difference
Vse Igredomav gosteh
1.HC Sakhalin64 1 01146 000 183 1 1112
2.HL Anyang63 0 12102 112 92 0 046
3.Nikkō Ice Bu63 0 0394 101 141 0 053
4.East Hokkaid63 0 0393 003 91 1 045
5.Red Eagles H62 1 0383 201 132 1 038
6.Daemyung Kil62 0 1373 012 101 0 053
7.Tohoku Free 61 0 0532 013 71 0 053
Longest streaks
Longest streaksWot L Lossless    Win To Nil    scored
HC Sakhalin 144614 2 56
Current 4-2-44 -10 12

Longest streaksconceded goalNad 5.5
Skupaj golov*
Pod 5.5
Skupaj golov*
HC Sakhalin Statistics Pro: Buy from Web Store

*Redni čas

Longest streaksWot L Lossless    Win To Nil    scored
High1 84108 1 58
Current -4-340 -6 -1

Longest streaksconceded goalNad 5.5
Skupaj golov*
Pod 5.5
Skupaj golov*
High1 Statistics Pro: Buy from Web Store

*Redni čas

@ Asia League Ice Hockey
HC SakhalinIgrane tekmeWinTieLost
Vse Igre273 190 (70%) 1 (0%) 82 (30%)
doma139 107 (77%) 1 (1%) 31 (22%)
v gosteh134 83 (62%) 0 (0%) 51 (38%)
High1Igrane tekmeWinTieLost
Vse Igre413 170 (41%) 0 (0%) 243 (59%)
doma197 91 (46%) 0 (0%) 106 (54%)
v gosteh216 79 (37%) 0 (0%) 137 (63%)
Rusija vs Južna Koreja National Teams Južna Koreja vs Rusija National Teams
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Rusija vs Južna Koreja Club Teams Južna Koreja vs Rusija Club Teams
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