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           USA Rusko Fínsko Švédsko
Medzinárodné Austrália Bielorusko Česko Dánsko Francúzsko Kanada Kazachstan Lotyšsko Maďarsko Nemecko Nórsko Poľsko Rakúsko Slovensko Slovinsko Španielsko Švajčiarsko Taliansko Veľká Británia

  Medzištátne priateľské zápasy U18 2012

Sobota 29. december 2012
Medzištátne priateľské zápasy U182012 Kurzy 1x2
Fínsko U18    8 - 3    Švajčiarsko U182.554.852.08
Česko U18    5 - 4    Nemecko U181.325.975.50
Piatok 28. december 2012
Nemecko U18    2 - 5    Slovensko U184.955.301.50
Fínsko U18    3 - 2    Česko U181.505.354.20
Štvrtok 27. december 2012
Česko U18    3 - 5    Švajčiarsko U182.645.031.95
Slovensko U18    2 - 4    Fínsko U186.706.601.32
Streda 26. december 2012
Švajčiarsko U18    10 - 2    Nemecko U181.645.033.67
Slovensko U18    4 - 3 pen Česko U184.035.281.52
Sobota 22. december 2012
Česko U18    4 - 2    Rusko U185.905.701.40
Piatok 21. december 2012
Česko U18    1 - 5    Rusko U184.595.701.48
Sobota 15. december 2012
Francúzsko U18    4 - 3    Poľsko U181.505.603.45
Piatok 14. december 2012
Francúzsko U18    4 - 3    Poľsko U181.555.503.25
Štvrtok 13. december 2012
Francúzsko U18    4 - 5 pp Poľsko U181.455.703.70
Nedeľa 11. november 2012
Canada West U18    3 - 6    USA U182.484.851.94
Sobota 10. november 2012
Švajčiarsko U20    6 - 0    Canada East U182.454.951.95
Česko U18    1 - 4    Rusko U186.576.331.27
Bielorusko U18    0 - 3    Dánsko U182.864.671.93
Francúzsko U18    2 - 3 pen Maďarsko U181.804.402.91
Poľsko U18    6 - 6    Rakúsko U183.014.551.75
Nemecko U18    3 - 2    Slovensko U185.035.311.48
USA U18    5 - 3    Švédsko U181.825.042.85
Piatok 9. november 2012
Canada East U18   0 - 1   Canada West U182.354.752.05
Fínsko U18    5 - 1    Švajčiarsko U182.434.852.24
Švajčiarsko U20    4 - 7    USA U185.605.301.45
Francúzsko U18    2 - 3 pen Maďarsko U181.755.352.65
Poľsko U18    1 - 2    Rakúsko U182.624.921.82
Bielorusko U18    2 - 1    Nemecko U182.234.672.28
Slovensko U18    5 - 6 pen Dánsko U181.785.112.84
Štvrtok 8. november 2012
Česko U18    0 - 4    Canada East U1811.0010.001.15
Švajčiarsko U20    4 - 1    Rusko U182.324.822.28
Francúzsko U18    4 - 2    Maďarsko U181.755.352.65
Bielorusko U18    0 - 4    Slovensko U183.264.991.86
Dánsko U18    2 - 1    Nemecko U185.075.471.45
USA U18    4 - 5 pen Švajčiarsko U181.0911.8313.00
Streda 7. november 2012
Canada East U18    4 - 3    Švajčiarsko U201.805.072.72
Fínsko U18    2 - 3    Švédsko U182.704.902.05
Canada West U18    4 - 3 pp Rusko U181.525.384.30
USA U18    3 - 1    Fínsko U181.395.695.70
Utorok 6. november 2012
Švajčiarsko U20    3 - 4    USA U1815.0012.001.10
Švédsko U18    5 - 4 pp Švajčiarsko U181.148.6810.02
Česko U18    0 - 7    Canada West U1810.507.501.18
Pondelok 5. november 2012
USA U18    9 - 1    Canada East U182.154.852.15
Rusko U18    6 - 1    Česko U181.545.083.56
Sobota 3. november 2012
Canada East U18    4 - 2    Rusko U181.855.302.45
Canada West U18    4 - 3 pen USA U182.405.151.90
Pondelok 9. apríl 2012
Švédsko U18    3 - 2    USA U182.214.152.26
Česko U18    4 - 5 pp Kanada U184.405.301.40
Fínsko U18    5 - 4    Švajčiarsko U181.405.304.38
Nedeľa 8. apríl 2012
Slovensko U18    5 - 3    Bielorusko U181.705.402.75
Nemecko U18    3 - 5    Kanada U1811.959.501.05

Viac výsledkov

december 2012
november 2012
apríl 2012
február 2012

Bielorusko U18
Canada East U18
Canada West U18
Česko U18
Česko U19
Dánsko U18
Fínsko U18
Francúzsko U18
Kanada U18
Litva U18
Lotyšsko U18
Maďarsko U18
Nemecko U18
Nórsko U18
Poľsko U18
Rakúsko U18
Rusko U18
Slovensko U18
Slovensko U20
Slovinsko U18
Švajčiarsko U18
Švajčiarsko U20
Švédsko U18
Taliansko U18
Ukrajina U18

Vybrať sezónu


Sezóna Zápasov 1 x 2  ¦  1 2  ¦  Viac ako 5.5 Menej ako 5.5 Viac ako 4.5 Menej ako 4.5 Výhoda domácich
2024Základná časť56 32.1% 25.0% 42.9%  ¦  46.4% 53.6%  ¦  73.2% 26.8% 78.6% 21.4% -7.1%
2023Základná časť58 48.3% 19.0% 32.8%  ¦  60.3% 39.7%  ¦  53.4% 46.6% 69.0% 31.0% 20.7%
2022Základná časť30 56.7% 13.3% 30.0%  ¦  63.3% 36.7%  ¦  60.0% 40.0% 76.7% 23.3% 26.7%
2021Základná časť39 46.2% 2.6% 51.3%  ¦  46.2% 53.8%  ¦  66.7% 33.3% 74.4% 25.6% -7.7%
2020Základná časť30 43.3% 20.0% 36.7%  ¦  43.3% 56.7%  ¦  46.7% 53.3% 66.7% 33.3% -13.3%
2019Základná časť66 47.0% 13.6% 39.4%  ¦  51.5% 48.5%  ¦  57.6% 42.4% 68.2% 31.8% 3.0%
2018Základná časť102 52.0% 11.8% 36.3%  ¦  58.8% 41.2%  ¦  59.8% 40.2% 77.5% 22.5% 17.6%
2017Základná časť65 35.4% 24.6% 40.0%  ¦  49.2% 50.8%  ¦  47.7% 52.3% 58.5% 41.5% -1.5%
2016Základná časť69 39.1% 23.2% 37.7%  ¦  55.1% 44.9%  ¦  58.0% 42.0% 71.0% 29.0% 10.1%
2015Základná časť83 43.4% 14.5% 42.2%  ¦  49.4% 50.6%  ¦  69.9% 30.1% 84.3% 15.7% -1.2%
2014Základná časť74 48.6% 14.9% 36.5%  ¦  54.1% 45.9%  ¦  59.5% 40.5% 75.7% 24.3% 8.1%
2013Základná časť75 49.3% 14.7% 36.0%  ¦  58.7% 41.3%  ¦  53.3% 46.7% 66.7% 33.3% 17.3%
2012Základná časť86 48.8% 18.6% 32.6%  ¦  56.5% 43.5%  ¦  61.6% 38.4% 74.4% 25.6% 12.9%
2011Základná časť55 34.5% 14.5% 50.9%  ¦  40.0% 60.0%  ¦  58.2% 41.8% 70.9% 29.1% -20.0%
2010Základná časť13 53.8% 7.7% 38.5%  ¦  53.8% 46.2%  ¦  76.9% 23.1% 76.9% 23.1% 7.7%
2009Základná časť5 20.0% 40.0% 40.0%  ¦  40.0% 60.0%  ¦  80.0% 20.0% 100.0% 0.0% -20.0%

Kliknite na hocijaký stĺpec, aby ste zoradili tabuľku
Mouseover percentages (%) to see value odds

AnnaBet Sila výkonnosti

Updated 2024-12-16 12:14:52
#Tím Rating
1. Kanada U18 1530
2. USA U18 1487
3. Švédsko U18 1455
4. Rusko U18 1399
5. USA U17 1304
6. Fínsko U18 1241
7. Česko U18 1183
8. Slovensko U18 1156
9. Slovensko U20 1151
10. Canada West U18 1118
11. Bielorusko U18 1114
12. Ukrajina U18 1110
13. Rakúsko U18 1104
14. Slovinsko U18 1098
15. Švajčiarsko U20 1072
16. Litva U18 1065
17. Nórsko U18 1037
18. Poľsko U18 1031
19. Maďarsko U18 1027
20. Nemecko U18 1013
21. Česko U19 998
22. Švajčiarsko U18 993
23. Dánsko U18 961
24. Lotyšsko U18 944
25. Taliansko U18 905
26. Francúzsko U18 887
27. Canada East U18

Our ratings are currently calculated from games played after 1.1.2000

In football our ratings are similar to World Football Elo Ratings but we have tuned up the formula. For example when goal difference is low or game is tied and we have shots on goal statistics available for the game, we’ll then analyze the shots ratio to have some effect on the ratings. For example if a game was tied 1-1 but home team outshoot away team by 10-2 you might say the home team was the better team despite the result.

In ice hockey the ratings are similar but we have taken account the higher number of goals scored and “home” team (first mentioned team) line change advantage. For example if ice hockey game Sweden – Finland was played at Finland but Sweden had the line change advantage it is then taken account when calculating ratings.

Some examples how ratings are adjusted after each game

In the beginning each team has starting rating of 1000 points. After each game played the sum of points change is 0: if home team gets +20 points then away team gets -20 pts deducted. Amount is always based on the weight/importance of the tournament: in friendlies teams get much less points than in World Cup finals.

Two equal teams meet: winner gets some decent points and loser looses the same amount. Example +20 / -20.
Heavy favorite (much higher rating) wins by few goals: gets only few points because it was very expected result. Your points rises very slowly by beating much poorer teams than you. Example +3 / -3.
Heavy favorite ties a game: favorite loses small amount of points because it was expected that the team should win, the opponent get some points. Example -3 / +3 points.
Heavy favorite loses a game: loses lots of rating points, winner gets lots of points. Example -40 / +40.

Sample Winning Expectancies

in Ratings
0 0.500 0.500
10 0.514 0.486
20 0.529 0.471
30 0.543 0.457
40 0.557 0.443
50 0.571 0.429
60 0.585 0.415
70 0.599 0.401
80 0.613 0.387
90 0.627 0.373
100 0.640 0.360
110 0.653 0.347
120 0.666 0.334
130 0.679 0.321
140 0.691 0.309
150 0.703 0.297
160 0.715 0.285
170 0.727 0.273
180 0.738 0.262
190 0.749 0.251
200 0.760 0.240

Table by

Why are Power Ratings better than winning percentage or league table?

Let’s say we have 2 teams whose performance we are analyzing: Finland and Sweden. Both teams have played 8 games and Finland has 6 wins and 2 losses, Sweden 5 wins and 3 losses. You might say Finland is the better team based on that info? What if Finland has won 4 games against poor teams, 2 against mediocre and lost 2 against better teams. Sweden on the other hand had win 3 games against better teams, 2 against mediocre and then 3 narrow losses against mediocre teams. Putting it that way, you might not believe Finland should be a favorite here after all. Would our Power Ratings tell you the exactly same thing:

Finland starting rating 1000:

1. game 4-0 win against poor team +10 pts (1010)
2. game 3-1 win against poor team +6 pts (1016)
3. game 0-2 loss against better team -10 pts (1006)
4. game 4-3 win against mediocre team +15 pts (1021)
5. game 5-3 win against mediocre team +18 pts (1039)
6. game 3-5 loss against better team -10 pts (1029)
7. game 2-0 win against poor team +6 pts (1035)
8. game 5-2 win against poor team +8 pts (1043)
Current rating 1043

Sweden starting rating 1000:

1. game 3-2 win against better team +25 pts (1025)
2. game 2-3 loss against mediocre team -12 pts (1013)
3. game 4-2 win against better team +30 pts (1043)
4. game 3-0 win against mediocre team +20 pts (1063)
5. game 3-5 loss against mediocre team -15 pts (1048)
6. game 3-4 loss against mediocre team -12 pts (1036)
7. game 4-1 win against better team +35 pts (1071)
8. game 3-1 win against mediocre team +16 pts (1087)
Current rating 1087

These are just rough examples for you to get the idea.

Finland vs Sweden Power Ratings: 1043 – 1087, ratings difference 44 and by looking at the table above you can see that this game should be about Finland 46% winning chance and Sweden 54%. Note that home advantage is usually about 100 points so 46%-54% would be only at neutral venue.

It is not always about how many games you have won but rather which teams and by how many goals that tells more about your true Power. But still remember these are only computer calculated estimations and does not take account real world situations like injuries, weather etc. Also note Power Ratings being much less accurate when teams have a big difference between number of games played and/or quality/diversity of tournaments where they have played.

For example in ice hockey USA and Canada plays only few friendly matches before major tournaments and European teams plays a lots of smaller tournaments - and also playing many games against couple of selected opponents only. Smaller tournaments and friendly matches makes of course smaller changes to Power Ratings than major tournaments but when you play a lot of smaller games it can add up.