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Inglaterra Italia España Alemania Francia Países Bajos Bélgica Portugal Escocia Rusia
Internacional Albania Arabia Saudita Argelia Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaiyán Bahrain Belarús Bolivia Bosnia y Herzegovina Brasil Bulgaria Canadá Chile China Chipre Colombia Corea del Sur Costa Rica Croacia Dinamarca EE.UU. Ecuador Egipto El Salvador Eslovaquia Eslovenia Estonia Finlandia Gales Georgia Grecia Guatemala Honduras Hong Kong Hungría Indonesia Iran Iraq Irlanda del Norte Islandia Islas Feroe Israel Jamaica Japón Jordania Kazajstán Kenia Kuwait La India Letonia Lituania Luxemburgo Malasia Malta Marruecos México Moldova Montenegro Nicaragua North Macedonia Noruega Nueva Zelanda Paraguay Peru Polonia Qatar República Checa República de Irlanda Rumania San Marino Serbia Singapur Siria Sudáfrica Suecia Suiza Tailandia Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Tunisia Turkmenistan Turquía Ucrania Uganda United Arab Emirates Uruguay Uzbekistan Venezuela Vietnam

  Amistosos Internacionales U21 2013

Martes 19. noviembre 2013
Amistosos Internacionales U212013 Cuotas 1x2
England C    2 - 2    República Checa U213.503.751.79
Lunes 18. noviembre 2013
Francia U21    1 - 1    Países Bajos U212.153.383.04
Viernes 15. noviembre 2013
Chipre U21    0 - 3    República Checa U215.293.811.58
Jueves 14. noviembre 2013
Austria U21    2 - 0    Turquía U212.143.293.13
Miércoles 23. octubre 2013
Malasia U21    2 - 1    Myanmar U211.873.573.68
Lunes 21. octubre 2013
Vietnam U21    5 - 1    Malasia U211.963.403.14
Sábado 19. octubre 2013
Vietnam U21    0 - 4    Sydney U212.653.202.35
Malasia U21    2 - 2    Singapur U212.083.903.27
Jueves 17. octubre 2013
Singapur U21    2 - 2    Myanmar U212.043.353.55
Martes 15. octubre 2013
Vietnam U21    1 - 0    Singapur U211.196.5013.17
Myanmar U21    1 - 2    Malasia U215.234.561.48
Lunes 14. octubre 2013
Países Bajos U21    0 - 3    Austria U211.354.837.55
Domingo 13. octubre 2013
Vietnam U21    2 - 0    Myanmar U211.246.2010.00
Martes 10. septiembre 2013
Portugal U21    6 - 1    Polonia U211.484.075.69
Miércoles 14. agosto 2013
Portugal U21    5 - 2    Suiza U211.703.604.51
Bulgaria U21    3 - 1    Azerbaiyán U211.464.126.35
República Checa U21    1 - 0    Países Bajos U212.753.272.42
Serbia U21    4 - 1    North Macedonia U211.324.768.20
Eslovaquia U21    1 - 4    Italia U213.693.391.92
Suecia U21    0 - 2    Noruega U212.323.402.72
Hungría U21    1 - 0    Malta U211.107.7114.61
Letonia U21    0 - 4    Georgia U213.103.242.16
Irlanda del Norte U21    1 - 4    Dinamarca U214.233.521.76
Martes 13. agosto 2013
Inglaterra U21    6 - 0    Escocia U211.464.126.74
Alemania U21    0 - 0    Francia U212.093.363.34
Bélgica U21    1 - 1    Israel U211.753.584.37
Bosnia y Herzegovina U2    1 - 1    Montenegro U211.753.484.14
Rumania U21    0 - 2    Chipre U211.404.347.08
Ucrania U21    4 - 0    Grecia U211.993.323.64
Lunes 10. junio 2013
Noruega U21    4 - 2    Polonia U212.183.223.13
Jueves 6. junio 2013
Suecia U21    3 - 2    Suiza U212.193.323.01
Miércoles 5. junio 2013
Noruega U21    2 - 0    Finlandia U211.883.373.91
Eslovenia U21    0 - 1    República Checa U212.833.312.35
Ucrania U21    0 - 1    Austria U211.933.483.59
Martes 4. junio 2013
Estonia U21    1 - 1    Kazajstán U212.163.353.09
Ucrania U21    2 - 1    Eslovenia U211.673.704.56
Bosnia y Herzegovina U2    1 - 1    Serbia U212.503.232.65
Austria U21    3 - 0    República Checa U212.853.352.31
Domingo 2. junio 2013
Portugal U21    2 - 0    Croacia U211.903.403.82
Viernes 31. mayo 2013
Dinamarca U21    0 - 0    Irlanda U211.763.574.12
Miércoles 29. mayo 2013
Israel U21    1 - 0    Eslovaquia U211.843.503.79
Viernes 24. mayo 2013
Países Bajos U21    3 - 1    Australia U211.315.377.50
Miércoles 24. abril 2013
República Checa U21    1 - 0    Eslovaquia U211.953.393.49
Montenegro U21    0 - 0    Hungría U21
Martes 26. marzo 2013
República Checa U21    0 - 0    Turquía U212.053.333.36
Bosnia y Herzegovina U2    5 - 0    North Macedonia U211.613.844.81
Bulgaria U21    0 - 2    Serbia U213.233.362.10
Hungría U21    2 - 0    Finlandia U211.733.684.47
Polonia U21    4 - 1    Letonia U211.444.226.49
Lunes 25. marzo 2013
Inglaterra U21    4 - 0    Austria U211.315.058.61

Más resultados

noviembre 2013
octubre 2013
septiembre 2013
agosto 2013
junio 2013
mayo 2013
abril 2013
marzo 2013
febrero 2013
enero 2013

Albania U21
Alemania U21
Australia U21
Austria U21
Azerbaiyán U21
Bélgica U21
Bosnia y Herzegovi
Bulgaria U21
Chipre U21
Croacia U21
Dinamarca U21
England C
Escocia U21
Eslovaquia U21
Eslovenia U21
España U21
Estonia U21
Finlandia U21
Francia U21
Gales U21
Georgia U21
Grecia U21
Hungría U21
Inglaterra U21
Irlanda U21
Irlanda del Norte
Islandia U21
Israel U21
Italia U21
Jordania U22
Kazajstán U21
Letonia U21
Lituania U21
Malasia U21
Malta U21
Moldova U21
Montenegro U21
Myanmar U21
Nomme Kalju
North Macedonia U2
Noruega U21
Países Bajos U21
Paksi SE
Polonia U21
Portugal U21
Real Salt Lake
República Checa U2
Rumania U21
Rusia U21
Serbia U21
Singapur U21
Suecia U21
Suiza U21
Sydney U21
Turquía U21
Ucrania U21
Vietnam U21

Seleccione una temporada


Temporada Juegos 1 x 2  ¦  1 2  ¦  Más 2.5 Menos de 2.5 Más 1.5 Menos de 1.5 Ventaja en casa
2025Temporada regular45 35.6% 24.4% 40.0%  ¦  47.1% 52.9%  ¦  51.1% 48.9% 80.0% 20.0% -5.9%
2024Temporada regular73 42.5% 28.8% 28.8%  ¦  59.3% 40.7%  ¦  57.5% 42.5% 78.1% 21.9% 18.5%
2023Temporada regular81 37.0% 32.1% 30.9%  ¦  53.6% 46.4%  ¦  48.1% 51.9% 75.3% 24.7% 7.1%
2022Temporada regular71 36.6% 28.2% 35.2%  ¦  51.0% 49.0%  ¦  56.3% 43.7% 80.3% 19.7% 2.0%
2021Temporada regular43 51.2% 18.6% 30.2%  ¦  62.9% 37.1%  ¦  55.8% 44.2% 86.0% 14.0% 25.7%
2020Temporada regular5 40.0% 60.0% 0.0%  ¦  100.0% 0.0%  ¦  60.0% 40.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0%
2019Temporada regular79 48.1% 29.1% 22.8%  ¦  69.0% 31.0%  ¦  46.8% 53.2% 68.4% 31.6% 37.9%
2018Temporada regular96 34.4% 32.3% 33.3%  ¦  51.5% 48.5%  ¦  47.9% 52.1% 78.1% 21.9% 3.0%
2017Temporada regular66 50.0% 19.7% 30.3%  ¦  61.1% 38.9%  ¦  57.6% 42.4% 78.8% 21.2% 22.2%
2016Temporada regular63 54.0% 30.2% 15.9%  ¦  76.6% 23.4%  ¦  49.2% 50.8% 73.0% 27.0% 53.2%
2015Temporada regular70 44.3% 25.7% 30.0%  ¦  57.4% 42.6%  ¦  58.6% 41.4% 75.7% 24.3% 14.8%
2014Temporada regular77 51.9% 27.3% 20.8%  ¦  70.2% 29.8%  ¦  62.3% 37.7% 79.2% 20.8% 40.4%
2013Temporada regular86 48.8% 25.6% 25.6%  ¦  65.6% 34.4%  ¦  51.2% 48.8% 73.3% 26.7% 31.3%
2012Temporada regular85 49.4% 24.7% 25.9%  ¦  62.7% 37.3%  ¦  49.4% 50.6% 80.0% 20.0% 25.4%
2011Temporada regular74 44.6% 27.0% 28.4%  ¦  61.1% 38.9%  ¦  54.1% 45.9% 82.4% 17.6% 22.2%

Haga clic en cualquier columna para ordenar la tabla
Porcentajes mouseover (%) para ver las probabilidades de valor

AnnaBet Power Ratings

Actualizado 2025-03-27 11:33:59
#Equipo Rating
1. Inglaterra U21 1454
2. España U21 1425
3. Países Bajos U21 1416
4. Alemania U21 1371
5. Portugal U21 1362
6. Dinamarca U21 1321
7. Ucrania U21 1319
8. Italia U21 1286
9. Francia U21 1263
10. Rumania U21 1251
11. Rusia U21 1248
12. Austria U21 1248
13. Nomme Kalju 1234
14. República Checa U21 1217
15. Polonia U21 1202
16. Irlanda U21 1199
17. Vietnam U21 1199
18. Noruega U21 1191
19. Croacia U21 1176
20. Georgia U21 1166
21. England C 1153
22. Bélgica U21 1147
23. Suecia U21 1146
24. Eslovaquia U21 1139
25. Eslovenia U21 1136
26. Finlandia U21 1134
27. Suiza U21 1123
28. Albania U21 1097
29. Islandia U21 1079
30. Paksi SE 1041
31. Serbia U21 1031
32. Gales U21 1031
33. Malasia U21 1025
34. Real Salt Lake 1020
35. Grecia U21 1012
36. Escocia U21 1005
37. Hungría U21 1002
38. Jordania U22 995
39. Australia U21 990
40. Mjällby 979
41. Turquía U21 962
42. Bulgaria U21 952
43. Myanmar U21 947
44. Israel U21 926
45. North Macedonia U21 920
46. Letonia U21 892
47. Bosnia y Herzegovina U21 888
48. Montenegro U21 886
49. Chipre U21 875
50. Irlanda del Norte U21 874
51. Kazajstán U21 841
52. Moldova U21 835
53. Singapur U21 823
54. Lituania U21 819
55. Azerbaiyán U21 760
56. Estonia U21 758
57. Malta U21 632
58. Sydney U21

Our ratings are currently calculated from games played after 1.1.2000

In football our ratings are similar to World Football Elo Ratings but we have tuned up the formula. For example when goal difference is low or game is tied and we have shots on goal statistics available for the game, we’ll then analyze the shots ratio to have some effect on the ratings. For example if a game was tied 1-1 but home team outshoot away team by 10-2 you might say the home team was the better team despite the result.

In ice hockey the ratings are similar but we have taken account the higher number of goals scored and “home” team (first mentioned team) line change advantage. For example if ice hockey game Sweden – Finland was played at Finland but Sweden had the line change advantage it is then taken account when calculating ratings.

Some examples how ratings are adjusted after each game

In the beginning each team has starting rating of 1000 points. After each game played the sum of points change is 0: if home team gets +20 points then away team gets -20 pts deducted. Amount is always based on the weight/importance of the tournament: in friendlies teams get much less points than in World Cup finals.

Two equal teams meet: winner gets some decent points and loser looses the same amount. Example +20 / -20.
Heavy favorite (much higher rating) wins by few goals: gets only few points because it was very expected result. Your points rises very slowly by beating much poorer teams than you. Example +3 / -3.
Heavy favorite ties a game: favorite loses small amount of points because it was expected that the team should win, the opponent get some points. Example -3 / +3 points.
Heavy favorite loses a game: loses lots of rating points, winner gets lots of points. Example -40 / +40.

Sample Winning Expectancies

in Ratings
0 0.500 0.500
10 0.514 0.486
20 0.529 0.471
30 0.543 0.457
40 0.557 0.443
50 0.571 0.429
60 0.585 0.415
70 0.599 0.401
80 0.613 0.387
90 0.627 0.373
100 0.640 0.360
110 0.653 0.347
120 0.666 0.334
130 0.679 0.321
140 0.691 0.309
150 0.703 0.297
160 0.715 0.285
170 0.727 0.273
180 0.738 0.262
190 0.749 0.251
200 0.760 0.240

Table by

Why are Power Ratings better than winning percentage or league table?

Let’s say we have 2 teams whose performance we are analyzing: Finland and Sweden. Both teams have played 8 games and Finland has 6 wins and 2 losses, Sweden 5 wins and 3 losses. You might say Finland is the better team based on that info? What if Finland has won 4 games against poor teams, 2 against mediocre and lost 2 against better teams. Sweden on the other hand had win 3 games against better teams, 2 against mediocre and then 3 narrow losses against mediocre teams. Putting it that way, you might not believe Finland should be a favorite here after all. Would our Power Ratings tell you the exactly same thing:

Finland starting rating 1000:

1. game 4-0 win against poor team +10 pts (1010)
2. game 3-1 win against poor team +6 pts (1016)
3. game 0-2 loss against better team -10 pts (1006)
4. game 4-3 win against mediocre team +15 pts (1021)
5. game 5-3 win against mediocre team +18 pts (1039)
6. game 3-5 loss against better team -10 pts (1029)
7. game 2-0 win against poor team +6 pts (1035)
8. game 5-2 win against poor team +8 pts (1043)
Current rating 1043

Sweden starting rating 1000:

1. game 3-2 win against better team +25 pts (1025)
2. game 2-3 loss against mediocre team -12 pts (1013)
3. game 4-2 win against better team +30 pts (1043)
4. game 3-0 win against mediocre team +20 pts (1063)
5. game 3-5 loss against mediocre team -15 pts (1048)
6. game 3-4 loss against mediocre team -12 pts (1036)
7. game 4-1 win against better team +35 pts (1071)
8. game 3-1 win against mediocre team +16 pts (1087)
Current rating 1087

These are just rough examples for you to get the idea.

Finland vs Sweden Power Ratings: 1043 – 1087, ratings difference 44 and by looking at the table above you can see that this game should be about Finland 46% winning chance and Sweden 54%. Note that home advantage is usually about 100 points so 46%-54% would be only at neutral venue.

It is not always about how many games you have won but rather which teams and by how many goals that tells more about your true Power. But still remember these are only computer calculated estimations and does not take account real world situations like injuries, weather etc. Also note Power Ratings being much less accurate when teams have a big difference between number of games played and/or quality/diversity of tournaments where they have played.

For example in ice hockey USA and Canada plays only few friendly matches before major tournaments and European teams plays a lots of smaller tournaments - and also playing many games against couple of selected opponents only. Smaller tournaments and friendly matches makes of course smaller changes to Power Ratings than major tournaments but when you play a lot of smaller games it can add up.