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Zemgale/JLSSIce Hockey
Punks Vilnius
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All Games Zemgale/JLSS At Home, Punks Vilnius At Away
Live Betting
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Punks Vilnius 1x2 odds at least at most Select league
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Previous Games
07.12.2024Latvian hokejaHS Riga  1 - 6  Zemgale/JLSS
04.12.2024Latvian hokejaHC Panter  1 - 6  Zemgale/JLSS
27.11.2024Latvian hokejaElektrēnu Ener  1 - 4  Zemgale/JLSS
20.11.2024Latvian hokejaZemgale/JLSS  5 - 3  HS Rīga/Prizma
16.11.2024Latvian hokejaZemgale/JLSS  5 - 3  Elektrēnu Ener
14.11.2024Latvian hokejaPunks Vilnius  2 - 6  Zemgale/JLSS
02.11.2024Latvian hokejaZemgale/JLSS  1 - 2pen  HK Mogo
26.10.2024Latvian hokejaZemgale/JLSS  1 - 4  HK Mogo
19.10.2024Latvian hokejaZemgale/JLSS  1 - 2  HC Panter
17.10.2024Latvian hokejaPunks Vilnius  1 - 6  Zemgale/JLSS
1x27 1 2  41 - 19
% 70.0% - 10.0% - 20.0%
% ⇒ Odds 1.43 - 10.00 - 5.00
127 3  41 - 20
%70.0% - 30.0%
% ⇒ Odds 1.43 - 3.33
Total Goals Under - Over 5.5 : 40% - 60%

Goals For Goals Against
0% 0   0%
30% 1   50%
0% 2   20%
0% 3   20%
10% 4   10%
20% 5   0%
40% 6+ 0%
Both Teams To Score: 100%
Goal difference
+2 20%
+1 0%
  0 10%
-1 10%
-2 0%
Regulation Time
Goal Average 4.10 - 1.90 (6.00)
14.12.2024Latvian hokejaElektrēnu Ener  6 - 1  Punks Vilnius
12.12.2024Latvian hokejaPunks Vilnius  2 - 1  Elektrēnu Ener
08.12.2024Latvian hokejaHC Panter  8 - 3  Punks Vilnius
07.12.2024Latvian hokejaHC Panter  6 - 1  Punks Vilnius
30.11.2024Latvian hokejaHS Rīga/Prizma  3 - 2ot  Punks Vilnius
24.11.2024Latvian hokejaPunks Vilnius  2 - 4  Elektrēnu Ener
21.11.2024Latvian hokejaPunks Vilnius  5 - 4pen  HS Riga
14.11.2024Latvian hokejaPunks Vilnius  2 - 6  Zemgale/JLSS
26.10.2024Latvian hokejaPunks Vilnius  8 - 5  HS Rīga/Prizma
17.10.2024Latvian hokejaPunks Vilnius  1 - 6  Zemgale/JLSS
1x22 2 6  26 - 48
% 20.0% - 20.0% - 60.0%
% ⇒ Odds 5.00 - 5.00 - 1.67
123 7  27 - 49
%30.0% - 70.0%
% ⇒ Odds 3.33 - 1.43
Total Goals Under - Over 5.5 : 20% - 80%

Goals For Goals Against
0% 0   0%
30% 1   10%
40% 2   10%
10% 3   0%
10% 4   20%
0% 5   10%
10% 6+ 50%
Both Teams To Score: 100%
Goal difference
+2 0%
+1 10%
  0 20%
-1 0%
-2 10%
Regulation Time
Goal Average 2.60 - 4.80 (7.40)
Last 30 Games regulation time Customize Statistics
Zemgale/JLSS Punks Vilnius
At Home At Away All Games
11-2-4 9-2-2 20-4-6
65%-12%-24% 69%-15%-15% 67%-13%-20%
-183-+750-+325 -225-+550-+550 -200-+650-+400
At Home At Away All Games
3-3-12 0-1-11 3-4-23
17%-17%-67% 0%-8%-92% 10%-13%-77%
+500-+500--200 -+1100--1100 +900-+650--329
Home vs Away All Games
78%-10%-12% 72%-13%-15%
-358-+895-+750 -253-+650-+567
Percentage averages ?
1x2 Betting Odds
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At Home At Away All Games Total Goals Under-Over At Home At Away All Games
35%-65% 23%-77% 30%-70% 4.5 goals  avg 22%-78%  +358--358 11%-89% 8%-92% 10%-90%
+183--183 +333--333 +233--233 +800--800 +1100--1100 +900--900
47%-53% 31%-69% 40%-60% 5.5 goals  avg 28%-72%  +261--261 22%-78% 8%-92% 17%-83%
+112--112 +225--225 +150--150 +350--350 +1100--1100 +500--500
47%-53% 38%-62% 43%-57% 6.5 goals  avg 32%-68%  +214--214 39%-61% 17%-83% 30%-70%
+112--112 +160--160 +131--131 +157--157 +500--500 +233--233

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Against common opponents
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Latvian hokeja līga 2024-2025 Form
All GamesAt HomeAt Away
1.Zemgale/JLSS1913 1 23306 022 147 1 0116
2.HC Panter2012 3 05307 203 185 1 0212
3.HK Mogo1512 1 11277 010 155 1 0112
4.HS Rīga/Priz207 2 29204 122 123 1 078
5.Elektrēnu En227 2 112194 107 103 1 159
6.HS Riga193 0 31391 005 22 0 387
7.Punks Vilniu172 1 11372 106 60 0 171

Score Stats & Goal difference
All GamesAt HomeAt Away
1.Zemgale/JLSS66 0 00122 022 65 1 0012
2.HK Mogo64 1 01106 000 124 1 0110
3.HC Panter64 0 0284 002 84 1 0110
4.HS Rīga/Priz62 1 1273 120 102 0 044
5.Elektrēnu En62 1 0362 103 62 1 036
6.HS Riga61 0 1431 005 22 0 226
7.Punks Vilniu61 0 1432 103 60 0 151
Longest streaks
Longest streaksWot L Lossless    Win To Nil    scored
Zemgale/JLSS 133613 2 72
Current 6-6-66 -22 18

Longest streaksconceded goalOver 5.5
Total Goals*
Under 5.5
Total Goals*
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*Regulation Time

Longest streaksWot L Lossless    Win To Nil    scored
Punks Vilnius 21342 0 14
Current -1-410 -89 11

Longest streaksconceded goalOver 5.5
Total Goals*
Under 5.5
Total Goals*
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*Regulation Time

@ Latvian hokeja līga
Zemgale/JLSSGames PlayedWinTieLost
All Games560 349 (62%) 0 (0%) 211 (38%)
At Home281 180 (64%) 0 (0%) 101 (36%)
At Away279 169 (61%) 0 (0%) 110 (39%)
Punks VilniusGames PlayedWinTieLost
All Games84 15 (18%) 0 (0%) 69 (82%)
At Home42 10 (24%) 0 (0%) 32 (76%)
At Away42 5 (12%) 0 (0%) 37 (88%)
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