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RoKiIce Hockey
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All Games RoKi At Home, LeKi At Away
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LeKi 1x2 odds at least at most Select league
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Previous Games
08.03.2025MestisRoKi  0 - 2  IPK
07.03.2025MestisIPK  4 - 2  RoKi
05.03.2025MestisRoKi  0 - 5  IPK
03.03.2025MestisIPK  2 - 3ot  RoKi
01.03.2025MestisHokki  1 - 6  RoKi
26.02.2025MestisRoKi  2 - 4  IPK
22.02.2025MestisKetterä  3 - 0  RoKi
21.02.2025MestisKetterä  4 - 3pen  RoKi
19.02.2025MestisJoKP  2 - 7  RoKi
15.02.2025MestisRoKi  1 - 0  Hermes
1x23 2 5  23 - 26
% 30.0% - 20.0% - 50.0%
% ⇒ Odds 3.33 - 5.00 - 2.00
124 6  24 - 27
%40.0% - 60.0%
% ⇒ Odds 2.50 - 1.67
Total Goals Under - Over 5.5 : 50% - 50%

Goals For Goals Against
30% 0   10%
10% 1   10%
30% 2   30%
10% 3   20%
0% 4   20%
0% 5   10%
20% 6+ 0%
Both Teams To Score: 60%
Goal difference
+2 0%
+1 10%
  0 20%
-1 0%
-2 30%
Regulation Time
Goal Average 2.30 - 2.60 (4.90)
05.03.2025Suomi-sarjaVirkiä  5 - 4  LeKi
03.03.2025Suomi-sarjaLeKi  2 - 0  Virkiä
01.03.2025Suomi-sarjaVirkiä  8 - 5  LeKi
28.02.2025Suomi-sarjaLeKi  6 - 1  Virkiä
26.02.2025Suomi-sarjaVirkiä  4 - 3ot  LeKi
23.02.2025Suomi-sarjaLeKi  11 - 4  JHT
21.02.2025Suomi-sarjaLeKi  6 - 3  Riemu
15.02.2025Suomi-sarjaFPS  1 - 2ot  LeKi
14.02.2025Suomi-sarjaLeKi  5 - 3  Haukat
07.02.2025Suomi-sarjaLeKi  6 - 4  Hunters
1x26 2 2  49 - 32
% 60.0% - 20.0% - 20.0%
% ⇒ Odds 1.67 - 5.00 - 5.00
127 3  50 - 33
%70.0% - 30.0%
% ⇒ Odds 1.43 - 3.33
Total Goals Under - Over 5.5 : 20% - 80%

Goals For Goals Against
0% 0   10%
10% 1   20%
10% 2   0%
10% 3   30%
10% 4   20%
20% 5   10%
40% 6+ 10%
Both Teams To Score: 90%
Goal difference
+2 30%
+1 0%
  0 20%
-1 10%
-2 0%
Regulation Time
Goal Average 4.90 - 3.20 (8.10)
Last 30 Games regulation time Customize Statistics
RoKi LeKi
At Home At Away All Games
7-0-7 4-2-10 11-2-17
50%-0%-50% 25%-12%-62% 37%-7%-57%
+100--+100 +300-+700--167 +173-+1400--131
At Home At Away All Games
9-3-3 2-4-9 11-7-12
60%-20%-20% 13%-27%-60% 37%-23%-40%
-150-+400-+400 +650-+275--150 +173-+329-+150
Home vs Away All Games
55%-13%-32% 38%-15%-47%
-122-+650-+216 +161-+567-+114
Percentage averages ?
1x2 Betting Odds
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At Home At Away All Games Total Goals Under-Over At Home At Away All Games
29%-71% 38%-62% 33%-67% 4.5 goals  avg 21%-79%  +377--377 20%-80% 13%-87% 17%-83%
+250--250 +167--167 +200--200 +400--400 +650--650 +500--500
71%-29% 50%-50% 60%-40% 5.5 goals  avg 46%-54%  +119--119 20%-80% 20%-80% 20%-80%
-250-+250 +100-+100 -150-+150 +400--400 +400--400 +400--400
86%-14% 69%-31% 77%-23% 6.5 goals  avg 66%-34%  -196-+196 33%-67% 47%-53% 40%-60%
-600-+600 -220-+220 -329-+329 +200--200 +114--114 +150--150

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Head-to-Head RoKi LeKi
28.03.2019MestisRoKi  2 - 6  LeKi
26.03.2019MestisLeKi  2 - 3ot  RoKi
24.03.2019MestisRoKi  8 - 6  LeKi
23.03.2019MestisRoKi  2 - 5  LeKi
20.03.2019MestisLeKi  4 - 2  RoKi
19.03.2019MestisLeKi  2 - 1  RoKi
02.03.2019MestisRoKi  2 - 6  LeKi
26.01.2019MestisLeKi  3 - 4ot  RoKi
17.11.2018MestisLeKi  1 - 3  RoKi
19.10.2018MestisRoKi  2 - 3ot  LeKi
1x22 3 5  27 - 37
% 20.0% - 30.0% - 50.0%
% ⇒ Odds 5.00 - 3.33 - 2.00
124 6  29 - 38
%40.0% - 60.0%
% ⇒ Odds 2.50 - 1.67
Total Goals Under - Over 5.5 : 40% - 60%

Goals For Goals Against
0% 0   0%
10% 1   10%
60% 2   30%
20% 3   10%
0% 4   10%
0% 5   10%
10% 6+ 30%
Both Teams To Score: 100%
Goal difference
+2 20%
+1 0%
  0 30%
-1 10%
-2 10%
Regulation Time
Goal Average 2.70 - 3.70 (6.40)
Head-to-Head At Home / At Away
28.03.2019MestisRoKi  2 - 6  LeKi
24.03.2019MestisRoKi  8 - 6  LeKi
23.03.2019MestisRoKi  2 - 5  LeKi
02.03.2019MestisRoKi  2 - 6  LeKi
19.10.2018MestisRoKi  2 - 3ot  LeKi
17.02.2018MestisRoKi  2 - 3  LeKi
06.10.2017MestisRoKi  1 - 3  LeKi
25.02.2017MestisRoKi  1 - 4  LeKi
29.10.2016MestisRoKi  5 - 2  LeKi
05.02.2016MestisRoKi  5 - 4ot  LeKi
1x22 2 6  29 - 41
% 20.0% - 20.0% - 60.0%
% ⇒ Odds 5.00 - 5.00 - 1.67
123 7  30 - 42
%30.0% - 70.0%
% ⇒ Odds 3.33 - 1.43
Total Goals Under - Over 5.5 : 40% - 60%

Goals For Goals Against
0% 0   0%
20% 1   0%
50% 2   20%
0% 3   20%
10% 4   20%
10% 5   10%
10% 6+ 30%
Both Teams To Score: 100%
Goal difference
+2 10%
+1 0%
  0 20%
-1 10%
-2 10%
Regulation Time
Goal Average 2.90 - 4.10 (7.00)
26.03.2019MestisLeKi  2 - 3ot  RoKi
20.03.2019MestisLeKi  4 - 2  RoKi
19.03.2019MestisLeKi  2 - 1  RoKi
26.01.2019MestisLeKi  3 - 4ot  RoKi
17.11.2018MestisLeKi  1 - 3  RoKi
24.02.2018MestisLeKi  2 - 4  RoKi
14.10.2017MestisLeKi  5 - 4  RoKi
28.01.2017MestisLeKi  4 - 7  RoKi
26.11.2016MestisLeKi  7 - 1  RoKi
12.12.2015MestisLeKi  2 - 1  RoKi
1x25 2 3  32 - 28
% 50.0% - 20.0% - 30.0%
% ⇒ Odds 2.00 - 5.00 - 3.33
125 5  32 - 30
%50.0% - 50.0%
% ⇒ Odds 2.00 - 2.00
Total Goals Under - Over 5.5 : 40% - 60%

Goals For Goals Against
0% 0   0%
10% 1   30%
40% 2   20%
10% 3   20%
20% 4   20%
10% 5   0%
10% 6+ 10%
Both Teams To Score: 100%
Goal difference
+2 10%
+1 30%
  0 20%
-1 0%
-2 20%
Regulation Time
Goal Average 3.20 - 2.80 (6.00)
Against common opponents
Statistics Pro: Buy from Web Store
Mestis 2024-2025 Suomi-sarja 2024-2025
All GamesAt HomeAt Away
1.Jokerit4932 7 3711318 214 5914 5 2354
2.IPK4920 8 7148312 346 468 5 3837
3.Ketterä4920 9 3178113 417 487 5 21033
4.JoKP4919 2 11177210 266 409 0 51132
5.Hermes4922 1 4227213 138 449 0 11428
6.TuTo4919 4 6207111 329 418 1 41130
7.K-Vantaa4918 4 8197012 246 446 2 41326
8.RoKi4920 3 2246810 2012 3410 1 21234
9.KeuPa HT4915 5 128567 3014 278 2 11429
10.Hokki4913 4 230498 2212 305 2 01819

Score Stats & Goal difference
All GamesAt HomeAt Away
1.Pyry3629 1 159015 012 4614 1 0344
2.Haukat3622 3 297412 204 4010 1 2534
3.Virkiä3619 1 115609 018 2810 1 0732
4.SaPKo3616 5 213608 226 308 3 0730
5.LeKi3615 5 2145711 214 384 3 11019
6.Muik Hockey3617 1 3155612 024 385 1 11118
7.JHT3613 7 115548 514 355 2 01119
8.Hunters3616 1 217528 118 278 0 1925
9.Riemu3615 0 714527 047 258 0 3727
10.PEPO3612 5 0194610 107 322 4 01214
11.Raahe-K3613 1 2204311 115 362 0 1157
12.S-Kiekko369 3 816413 0510 146 3 3627
13.Titaanit3611 2 320409 117 302 1 21310
14.FPS368 2 323316 0210 202 2 11311

Score Stats & Goal difference
All GamesAt HomeAt Away
1.Jokerit66 0 00184 101 144 1 0114
2.K-Vantaa64 0 11135 001 152 0 228
3.Hermes63 0 21112 031 91 0 144
4.JoKP62 2 02102 004 61 2 219
5.IPK63 0 12102 121 103 1 1112
6.KeuPa HT62 1 0382 103 83 1 0211
7.Hokki61 1 1363 201 130 0 151
8.RoKi61 1 0453 003 92 1 129
9.Ketterä61 1 0452 202 100 1 143
10.TuTo61 0 0532 112 92 0 046
All GamesAt HomeAt Away
1.Pyry66 0 00185 001 154 1 0114
2.Virkiä64 1 01144 101 142 1 038
3.LeKi63 0 12106 000 180 3 127
4.SaPKo63 0 0393 012 102 2 0210
5.PEPO62 1 0384 101 141 2 037
6.FPS62 0 1372 022 81 0 053
7.JHT62 0 1371 113 62 0 046
8.Hunters62 0 0464 002 121 0 053
9.Haukat61 1 1362 013 72 1 129
10.Titaanit62 0 0463 012 100 0 060
11.Muik Hockey62 0 0465 001 152 0 046
12.Raahe-K62 0 0465 001 150 0 151
13.Riemu61 0 1442 031 92 0 046
14.S-Kiekko61 0 1441 014 41 1 136
Longest streaks
Longest streaksWot L Lossless    Win To Nil    scored
RoKi 1141011 3 92
Current -3-330 -9 -1

Longest streaksconceded goalOver 5.5
Total Goals*
Under 5.5
Total Goals*
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*Regulation Time

Longest streaksWot L Lossless    Win To Nil    scored
LeKi 9399 2 80
Current -1-410 -1 17

Longest streaksconceded goalOver 5.5
Total Goals*
Under 5.5
Total Goals*
LeKi Statistics Pro: Buy from Web Store

*Regulation Time

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